Overriding a pesky parent selector with ninja specificity

ninjaI try and keep my CSS/SCSS in a fairly flat structure, and recently on a project I’ve been bugged by a parent selector which has been adding quite specific styles that have been getting in the way of my own.

The class is called .copy and has colour styles for <p>, <h2> and for <a>. So if I try to do something specific like give a result title a different colour, it gets overridden by the .copy h2 style.

I could of course make all my styles more specific, but this means adding in another class wrap all my SASS in body or an arbitary class further up the structure, but that’d annoy me because it’d be inserted into the css loads of times unnecessarily.

So I’ve taken to adding in extra selectors to provide more specificity, like this:

.result {
      &__title a,
      .copy & &__title a {


Using the ampersand at the end of the line which in SASS will insert the parent (my new favourite thing) means that I’m covered for if the .copy class overrides my style, but without putting this style somewhere weird that I can’t find later.

It means I’ve added a bit of extra specificity which leaps in like a ninja when I need it, and I don’t have to do it to the entire section.